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General Information

By appointment, it is possible to visit Foyer Ste-Élizabeth, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Executive Director and/or the Director of Nursing are available to answer all your questions. To make an appointment, please call

(506) 258-3020.



Admission to Foyer Ste-Élizabeth Inc. is limited to individuals whose name appears in the Single-Entry Point (SEP) central registry. The person in charge must make an appointment with a social worker from the Department of Social Development or a member of the Single-Entry Point panel for an assessment of the individual who needs placement in a nursing home. This assessment will determine the level of care required to adequately meet the needs of the person being assessed. Once the level of care is determined, the name of the person appears on the SEP list. Two nursing home options are also added to the list. A first choice and a second choice. Whenever possible, the first choice of the potential resident is respected. However, the resident may have to move into their second-choice home until a vacancy becomes available at the home they prefer.


Nursing Home Costs


Monthly nursing home costs are set by the NB Department of Social Development based on the resident’s income. These costs may vary from month to month depending on the resident’s income, the US exchange rate, if the resident receives a US pension or the resident’s monthly out-of-pocket expenses.


Once on the SEP waiting list, the new resident or their representative will need to go to the regional office of the Department of Social Development for a financial assessment of the resident in question (1-866-441-4249).


The result of the financial assessment will determine the amount the new resident will need to pay to Foyer Ste-Élizabeth each month.


Anyone who can’t cover the total costs of care and services will receive a subsidy from the Department of Social Development.


A nursing home resident is entitled to 30 days of leave. This cumulative 30-day period represents the total amount of leave for any reason, including hospitalization. It is required that payments continue to be made for the contract bed, based on the assessment of the resident’s financial situation.


If the resident must be away for more than 30 days, a request for extension must be submitted to the Department of Social Development.


As set out in the admission contract, a fifteen-day written notice must be submitted to the nursing home by the resident who wishes to leave. Nursing home costs as well as expenses incurred by said resident during the month must be paid prior to the resident’s departure.


Comfort Allowance


Foyer Ste-Élizabeth residents who receive financial assistance from the Department of Social Development are eligible for a monthly comfort allowance of $108. This amount is deducted from the amount received from the Department of Social Development.


The comfort allowance is adjusted periodically by the NB Department of Social Development.


The comfort allowance covers residents’ personal expenses, such as:


  • personal items;

  • medications not covered by the Prescription Drug Plan;

  • the portion of the costs for hearing aids, eye glasses or dentures that isn’t covered by the provincial insurance plan;

  • transportation to the hospital, dentist, optometrist, etc. other than by ambulance;

  • cable, telephone.


GST cheques are deposited in residents’ accounts every three months.


The person responsible for administering a resident’s comfort allowance must comply with certain nursing home requirements, such as expenses for hairdressing services, cable, etc. 


Foyer Ste-Élizabeth reserves the right to use a portion of the comfort allowance to meet the resident’s personal needs (as required), if the person responsible isn’t available to do so.


Room changes must be authorized by the Head of Nursing according to the resident’s needs, the care they require or a transfer to a private room.


Due to limited space in nursing home rooms, new residents are asked to only bring items essential to everyday life, such as a rocking chair, television, radio and/or any other item approved by management. 

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